Under The Radar premieres "Should've Known Better," the new Blesson Roy video featuring a biker who biffs


A masked Los Angeles, featuring a cyclist who biffs it and a liquor store parking lot dancer who clearly does not… “It’s basically the designed cinematic and aural engaged focus, rhythm, and pacing of a real ’climactic’ human moment,” says director Tom Gorai (aka Sweeten) of “Should’ve Known Better,” the new video from Blesson Roy.

Under The Radar Magazine just premiered the clip, writing that the song conjures the “bright tones and sweet melodies of Britpop. Amidst a jangly guitar-led instrumental and sharp vocal hook, Terry Borden takes listeners on another trip back through his record collection, showing his ability to incorporate and synthesize styles as both a creator and a fan."

Find the song on Think Like Spring, out now via Slow Start Records.