Fredo Viola's latest operatic, orchestral masterpiece "My New Head" arrives April 9th, 2021.


“It’s what pop music would sound like if it were made by unborn psychedelic ghosts.” - Neil Gaiman (Author)

Ugly beauty. Euphoric and fabulous.

Fredo Viola’s masterpiece My New Head (Revolutionary Son, April 9th, 2021) begins with the old head being pulled apart.

The album’s first single “Pine Birds” opens the record, following an introduction of Pavlovian bells ringing out from a jewelry box of fine cut rocks that represent the jagged edges of Viola’s mind. Brought to this renewed having overcome a five-year bout with Lyme disease, the music is filled with his feelings of gratitude, as well as the trepidation that comes with having to re-understand existence.

“Every bit of social, artistic and cultural framework that had kept me supported for so many years had come into question and I was beginning to build again from scratch,” he explains. “If you listen carefully to ‘Pine Birds,’ you will hear power tools pulling out old screws, hammering planks out of place; you can feel the rumbling vibration of a foundation ready to fall apart.”

Only “ready.”

Viola left the framing to build upon, fashioning and refurbishing, better than before. A new psychic home or at least the setting for a renewed life to unfold.